Training | ClipCast - AI Text To Speech Podcast Platform

Welcome To Our Training Area!

Clip Cast Introduction

Part 1: How to Build your first hit podcast with Clip Cast

Part 2: How to get your podcast live on Apple and Spotify 

(and all of the other major podcast distribution networks)

Part 3: How to create a Niche Podcast for your Digital Agency (With the pitch we use to get agency clients)

Part 4: How to Create a Local Based Podcast that 

gets clients and gets you sponsors 

(How to get $250/month sponsors 

immediately for your podcast)

Canva Podcast Covers - CLICK HERE

Fiverr Voices

CLICK HERE for Restaurants Rising Online Bumper Voice

CLICK HERE for Tacoma Marketing Mavericks Bumper Voice

CLICK HERE for Urban Legends Uncovered Bumper Voice (please note he doesn't do bg music... we had to add that in house)

Part 5: How to create a “Big Niche Podcast” using Clip Cast

Part 6: How to build a podcast for a client that you can charge $500 - 1000 month to run for them 

(and how it makes them money)

Creating a Campaign

Creating a Podcast Episode

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